
22 – As The Tiger Flies (Travel w/ Lindsay Kipp)

Expert traveler and travel agent, Lindsay Kipp, takes us on a wild podcasting journey around the world (wide web). We discuss her favourite exotic sandwich, her craziest travel stories (including a kidnapping!), how to get free upgrades, what determines accommodations’ star ratings, the Hot Andrews and the Dick Andrews, swingers’ resorts, Melody’s makeout hack, and so much more. Thank you for joining us on Tiger Air and please enjoy your flight.

Very special thanks to our sponsors Field House. To support the show, please go to patreon.com/teachmetigerpodcast.

You can find Lindsay on Instagram @kipper86 or here for travel services. Sarah is at instagram.com/littlewrightcrew.art and Melody at www.melodystarkweather.ca

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