
26 – Millennialitis (Avoiding Burn-Out w/ Kim Murphy)

Hustle, hustle, hustle, baby! Kim Murphy, the ultimate healing hustler, is here to help us simplify our highly saturated lives. How do we tune in, instead of tuning out? What do we really want? Where in our lives are we leaking energy? WHO ARE WE?? AND WHERE THE HELL AM I??? After a real fun game of Icebreakers, we dive deep into the Millennial-and perhaps Xennial-condition that we’ve dubbed Millennialitis. We talk about detecting, avoiding and dealing with BURNOUT. And Kim gives us some great advice on how to romance ourselves to up-level our energy, restore vitality and improve our overall mental health.

You can find Sarah at instagram.com/justthetiphandpoketattoos  and Melody at melodystarkweather.ca. To support the show, go to patreon.com/teachmetigerpodcast. And of course, it always helps us if you rate and review us and, BEST OF ALL, TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Thank you so much.

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