
30 – Call The Midwife (Midwifery w/ Josée Nolet & Rebecca Raper)

It’s DIRTY THIRTY! In this thirtieth episode, we sit down with some of our midwife pals, Josée Nolet and Becca Raper of Generations Midwifery (Brockville, ON). Both of these lovely ladies took care of Sarah through her pregnancy and the birth of her youngest son. We talk about cool scars, birth stories, midwives vs. obstetricians, and some of the peaks and pits of being a midwife (spoiler: watching women empowered in their bodies and regularly experiencing the miracle of life trumps all the bad stuff.) Also, Sarah and Melody compare transition in childbirth to doing hard drugs. But DON’T DO PCP! Especially not while you’re in labour!

There was sadly a technical issue with Josée’s mic, and we’ve done our best and fanciest footwork to fix it, but please accept our apologies for her audio not being up to snuff.

To find the Marvellous Midwives, check out their practise group Generations Midwifery Care at generationsmidwifery.ca or facebook.com/generationsmidwifery

You can find Sarah at instagram.com/justthetiphandpoketattoos and Melody at melodystarkweather.ca

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