
35 – Brain Fart (Neuroscience w/ Alicia Peltsch)

Deep dive into the sensual folds of the brain with Alicia Peltsch and her sexy neuroscience PhD. She helps unpack the science of zombies, gives us her opinion on farts, discusses brain injuries in contact sports, explains how she accidentally named her kid after Number One, tells us her favourite brain disorder, teaches us about Alzheimers, and finally puts to rest the age-old debate: which is better, alcohol or pot? And more! So much more!

You can support the podcast at patreon.com/teachmetigerpodcast, or by spreading the word, and leaving great reviews, and all of that fun stuff! Find Liz on Instagram @lizzouse or at lizzography.com and Melody is, as always, over at melodystarkweather.ca, her internet lair.

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