
43 – Mom Genes (Mom Science w/ Viara Mileva)

We’ve finally got an expert, who ADMITS TO BEING AN EXPERT! Meet Viara Mileva, PhD, who studied genetics, maternal behaviour, child-parent attachment and bedsharing. She knows a lot of sciencey stuff about mothering, and is also just a badass mother. (And a badass photographer!) After some auxiliary chat about limb loss and California, Viara gives us the science-based lowdown on SIDS, attachment, and bedsharing and then pontificates on technology and Cardi B.

Here is a link to a video on the Strange Situation Test Viara told us about and it features Viara’s 2 post-doc supervisors.

Find Viara on Instagram @viaramileva and @quirkylovephotography.

Liz is at lizzography.com and Melody is at melodystarkweather.ca.

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