
52 – But Did You Watch The Crow? (Amazing Animals w/ Melody, Nikki & Liz)

We’re still on lockdown with all of this pandemic nonsense, so let’s keep talking about animals – AMAZING ANIMALS! OG buds Liz Cooper, Nikki Rochon Kaiser, and your reggo host Melody Starkweather get together on the interwaves and share findings from their isolation research. We talk about octopuses, crows, dolphins, gorillas and parrots and how unbelievably clever they are! Hear stories of ‘scientific’ studies and wild animal hijinks, and learn about some celebrity creatures: Koko the Gorilla, Peter the Dolphin and Alex the Parrot. This is predominantly a feel-good episode, although we have some ethical questions about animal research. You will too, after hearing about their complex emotional lives. You know what, though? This podcast is not about friggin’ COVID-19, so YOU’RE WELCOME.

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