
66 – Quarantine Ketchup (Pandemmie Check-In w/ Liz Cooper)

Best friends make the best fun, and we’ve all missed the BEST FUN with former co-host of the show and Melody’s longtime good buddy, ELIZABETH COOPER! (Insert airhorns here.) This episode is a bit of a departure, in that it’s not educational in the slightest, but you know what?! It’s a global pandemic, the world’s on fire, and we’re going rogue! In today’s epi, we are reflecting on the last 13 months of pandemmie life – unexpected perks, phone addiction, pandemic-tainment, a mental health corner, personal growth, excessive alone time, and wild new hobbies. We also go through a few of Arthur Aron’s ’36 Questions To Fall In Love’ and not only do we fall deeper in love, but we get real vulnerable and intimate. Oh, and funny! We get funny, too.

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