
BONUS Lyme Time with Dr Shawn (Lyme Disease w/ Shawn Yakimovich)

You’ve found a tick! NOW WHAT? Dr Shawn Yakimovich, BSc, ND, sits with us to talk about ticks and Lyme disease, increasingly common issues for us and our (MANY MANY MANY) listeners. Shawn has also put together a very clear and detailed action plan for us to follow if and when we find an attached tick. (Blech!) Listen on, Tigers, as Shawn shares his tips against these creepy crawly little villains. All together, now: BUG OFF, TICKS! WE AINT GOT TIME FOR YOUR LYME!

Find Shawn at www.kemptvillenaturopathic.com AND www.facebook.com/kemptvillenaturopathic

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