
16 – Jet Ski J.C. (Religion w/ Ryan Urquhart)

It’s our Sweet Sixteenth Episode and we couldn’t be more excited, as we are sharing it with the cutest boy in school, Ryan (a rebel with an Urqhart of gold.) We cover (and uncover – HEYO!!) a lot in this episode: including but certainly not limited to super powers, comedy torture, stand-up porn, the magic of crystals and favourite jams. Ry Guy also talks about his distaste for organized religion and his break-up story with the church following a pious childhood. If this will offend you, please move on! But do know you’ll be missing a super fun epi with one HELL OF A GUY! We love him so much we’re gonna ask him to prom.

Sarah is at www.instagram.com/littlewrightcrew.art, Melody is at www.melodystarkweather.ca and you can find Ryan being neighbourly in Maberly.

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